Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Bethan...

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3


  1. Oh little family! How we long to hug each one of you. Pop and I both are shedding a few happy tears as we see these beautiful pics of a family who follows God and has blessed us so.

  2. I agree with Yai. What a great example you set for us growing up as a big brother Mase. You wouldn't know what an impact it has had on me. Every Sunday I am at church I always think of you. I love you, Rachel, Charlie, and now Bethan so much. I can't wait to meet her = )

    Miss you all so much
    Lauren <3

  3. Love that scripture. May we keep that truth ever before us! The Lord is so good. You may already realize this but your daughter is beautiful! :) Love you guys. Longing to visit the fellowship up there, Lord knows. You all are such an encouragement to us!

  4. She is precious!!!!! Enjoy! love in Christ, michele
