Thursday, March 28, 2013

Snapped like a straw

Lord Christ of Easter Day, Christ the victorious,
On this most radiant of all radiant days
Thee do we worship, Redeemer, all-glorious,
Offer Thee hearts' adoration and praise.

Sealed was the stone, and the rock did enfold Him,
There in the silence of moonlight and stars,
Till the hour struck; then the tomb could not hold Him:
Snapped like a straw, death's omnipotent bars.

Evil may triumph today, but tomorrow
Seeth the end of satanical strife.
Fear not and falter not; sin, pain and sorrow
Fall when He cometh, the Christ, Prince of Life.

Sound the word over the land and the waters;
Let it sound over the air once again:
Christ hath arisen! His sons and His daughters,
Lift up your heads, for He cometh to reign!

-Amy Carmichael

Recently I have been remembering...remembering the death of a loved one last year around this time, remembering the suffering of friends through the agony of miscarriage, remembering little Calvin (whose story I linked to yesterday), remembering two recent hospice patients who died quick, miserable deaths. Today I am writing this to any who may be "remembering" as well. Perhaps your remembering is more or less significant than the things I mentioned. Even our vehicle that will never stay fixed is a constant, grating reminder of death and decay! But here is the hope I have found and, through Him, can freely offer you as well. "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead." 2 Timothy 2:8

Press on, dear ones! We "serve a risen Savior".

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

En route

I have been unofficially following this blog for quite some time and have found it wonderfully encouraging. Kara, if you should ever happen to see this prayers are with you and your family, and I praise the Lord for His mighty grace that has kept you from falling, not allowed your faith to fail, and will bring you safely to the end of your "life's way".

If you have a bit of spare time, check out her blog! It will be worth your while.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Never a cloudy day

I was washing the dishes tonight and thinking of our little sunshine, already tucked away in her bed for the night. I was trying to think of words to describe her outlook on life--sorting through it in my mind. Bethan is quite the little girl. I remember a day recently when she was sick with I-can't-remember-what and, rather than spending her day recuperating glumly, she chose to spend it jumping vigorously up and down on a sheet of bubble wrap. I'm reminded of this because last night she came down with the stomach flu. Ugh. After throwing up she took a happy little middle-of-the-night bath and went back to bed. She wanted me to hold her on the couch before she went back to her bed, but was all smiles and sweetness and not one complaint. Then this morning when I realized she had a fever and I gave her some medicine to drink, her only comment was a cheery, "Thanks, Momma" before going back to her various activities. Sooooo what is her secret? Is it that she really isn't that sick? I don't think so. I've seen her dog sick before and still hardly heard a complaint. Is it that she chooses to look on the bright side of things? I don't really think that's it either...I'm pretty sure she's still too little to realize she has such a choice. So what then? I think she's genuinely that happy. That content. She doesn't complain because she doesn't see anything to complain about. And as I stood there in the kitchen tonight I saw the beauty of what she has. Amy Carmichael once said something to the effect of, "Make very little of hard things in your life, but make very much of the good things." My life is so full of "good things" and I am old enough to know I have a choice in how I view the circumstances in my life. I want to choose to be more like our little girl. Get well soon, sis!

Be afraid to be afraid

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 1:8)

Whenever fear comes in and makes us falter, we are in danger of falling into sin. Conceit is to be dreaded, but so is cowardice. "Dare to be a Daniel." Our great Captain should be served by brave soldiers.
What a reason for bravery is here! God is with those who are with Him. God will never be away when the hour of struggle comes. Do they threaten you? Who are you that you should be afraid of a man that shall die? Will you lose your situation? Your God whom you serve will find bread and water for His servants. Can you not trust Him? Do they pour ridicule upon you? Will this break your bones or your heart? Bear it for Christ's sake, and even rejoice because of it.
God is with the true, the just, the holy, to deliver them; and He will deliver you. Remember how Daniel came out of the lions' den and the three holy children out of the furnace. Yours is not so desperate a case as theirs; but if it were, the Lord would bear you through and make you more than a conqueror. Fear to fear. Be afraid to be afraid. Your worst enemy is within your own bosom. Get to your knees and cry for help, and then rise up saying, "I will trust, and not be afraid."

-C.H. Spurgeon, Faith's Check Book