Lord Christ of Easter Day, Christ the victorious,
On this most radiant of all radiant days
Thee do we worship, Redeemer, all-glorious,
Offer Thee hearts' adoration and praise.
Sealed was the stone, and the rock did enfold Him,
There in the silence of moonlight and stars,
Till the hour struck; then the tomb could not hold Him:
Snapped like a straw, death's omnipotent bars.
Evil may triumph today, but tomorrow
Seeth the end of satanical strife.
Fear not and falter not; sin, pain and sorrow
Fall when He cometh, the Christ, Prince of Life.
Sound the word over the land and the waters;
Let it sound over the air once again:
Christ hath arisen! His sons and His daughters,
Lift up your heads, for He cometh to reign!
-Amy Carmichael
Recently I have been remembering...remembering the death of a loved one last year around this time, remembering the suffering of friends through the agony of miscarriage, remembering little Calvin (whose story I linked to yesterday), remembering two recent hospice patients who died quick, miserable deaths. Today I am writing this to any who may be "remembering" as well. Perhaps your remembering is more or less significant than the things I mentioned. Even our vehicle that will never stay fixed is a constant, grating reminder of death and decay! But here is the hope I have found and, through Him, can freely offer you as well. "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead." 2 Timothy 2:8
Press on, dear ones! We "serve a risen Savior".
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